Friday, 20 May 2011

Design Brief (Pictographic Narrative)

Company profile

Our company is called Splendid Inc. We’re a small organisation, meaning more team effort and enthusiasm is shared between us, due to our close relationships. It’s because of this enthusiasm that we’ve chosen to create a range of toys for young children. We usually make miscellaneous ‘toys’ for an older audience. However, our products had been failing to appeal to this previous target audience. We’ve temporarily gone out of business, and would like to start a new range of advertising to create a new image on the market.
Splendid Inc. may have a limited amount of members, but we’re so determined and capable of creating any masterpiece for our new target audience. We need to get the word around that Splendid Inc. is taking a new turn, and will produce top quality products. In order to do this, we would like to have a series of advertisements on TV, newspapers, billboards, posters, etc. that show various stories about children becoming happy after purchasing a Splendid Inc. toy.

Market position
                  On today’s children’s market, we’ll be competing against names such as Toys-R-Us, Mattel and Meccano. We want parents to realise our loyalty and great craftwork compared to these other companies. At our business, we mean business! We want to put a smile on everybody’s face – especially the children’s faces. With money-back guarantees and bargains all year round, we’re hoping the parents will also smile, and see us as trustworthy as well as a fun loving brand. We know with our friendly and caring staff, we’ll be able to stand out for sure, however, we need to get the word out first.

Target audience
                  Our primary audience is Australian children, boys and girls aged between 2-8 years, located in Victoria. We will base most of our products on how this younger audience will receive our messages, in order to help them learn various things, such as counting, colouring, etc.

Your aims and objectives
                  Splendid Inc. would like to attract a totally younger audience, as we will want to teach them with our educational range of toys. We of course would also like to generate profits, as it is our business and with more money, we’ll be able to make better toys and products.

The message

We want to have both parents and children satisfied with the product they’ve just purchased from us. We want them to know they can bring the toy back if need be, and we’ll be totally understanding. We want to build mutual relationships with our customers. 

We want to use a similar format/design to this one. It’s clear, easy for young children to understand. But with coloured blocks instead of plain black in order to be more fun and appealing.

Using this method, we could take photos of children losing/breaking their old toys, walking down the street, buying our products, and smiling after, etc.

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